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Intern Spotlight – Ava Akatyszewski

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Bryn Baldasaro, digital studio coordinator
3 min read
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Who are you interning under, what do they have you do, and out of all your responsibilities which is your favorite/most interesting?

I am interning under Laura Mynahan for the Fall of 2022. I have been working on Furniture and Material Decks, attending client meetings, working in SketchUp, and ordering material samples. I would say my favorite responsibility is picking out existing and potential materials/finishes in the material library. I love being able to see the whole design come together.

Where do you go to school and what subject do you major in?

Ava at Kualoa Ranch in Hawaii

I am a Senior at Endicott College where I major in Interior Architecture.


How did you first become interested in your field of study?

I actually stumbled across it by chance. I’ve always known that I wanted to pursue something art related as it has been a huge part of my life. I’m always working on something creative whether it be painting, drawing, or sculpting. When I was considering majors, I came across Interior Design and decided to try it out. Four years later, I’m still pursing it and really enjoying design!

Have you interned here before, if not, have you interned elsewhere?

I have not interned previously at The Element Group, but I have interned at Creative Office Pavilion and Creative Office Resources where I was also an Interior Design intern. I’m very grateful for the opportunities and insight I’ve learned so far from all my internships.

Ava’s boyfriend’s bunnies that she loves!

Do you have any pets?

I unfortunately don’t have any pets at the moment, but I used to have rabbits! I had them for a long time. I plan on having them again as pets when I finish college. They had some pretty crazy names like Chubster, Mama Boopboo, and Marshmellow (purposely spelled incorrectly).

If you could go to dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Why?

Harry Styles, hands down. He’s been my favorite artist since I was young. He just seems like a very down to earth person, and I feel like I could have a really great conversation with him. His whole motto is “Treat people with kindness” so I feel like you can’t go wrong with that. I hope to meet him some day in the future.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go, why, and who would you take with you?

I definitely want to visit somewhere in Europe. Maybe Denmark, Finland, and Poland. I believe the architecture is very stunning in that area and I would love to see it in person. I think I would take my roommate since she’s been there before and would make a great tour guide. I would also take my boyfriend as well so that he can experience Europe for the first time with me.

What is your favorite app and why?

A hand rendering Ava made

My favorite app is probably Pinterest. I love creating boards and then finding pins that match perfectly into them. I also find it very inspirational when designing or finding something to do. I love finding new craft ideas through there to complete for later.

What is on your bucket list?

I would love to travel after college. I love exploring and I feel like there’s so much I haven’t seen yet. Another item on my bucket list is experimenting with oil paints. I got some a few summers ago and I haven’t had a chance to play around with them. One last item is to have a picnic in a big empty field somewhere. I think it would be so peaceful and I feel like eating outdoors on a nice day has a really good vibe.

Fall, winter, spring, or summer? Why?

Fall has to be my favorite season. I love the color of the leaves changing and the slightly cold air. I think the best outfits are always fall outfits. They’re a perfect mix of being warm, but not too heavy. I also love pumpkin carving, apple picking, eating caramel apples, visiting farm stands, and drinking pumpkin coffee. Halloween is my favorite holiday as well because I love scary movies and dressing up with my friends.

Thanks for the interview and all of your hard work, ava!


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Bryn Baldasaro
digital studio coordinator

A firm believer in the concept that 'beauty will save the world,' Bryn holds a B.A. in History at Ave Maria University, and a minor in Medieval Studies. While at Ave she completed her thesis "Influences on Material Culture: Catherine de Medici and the Art of Political and Social Display," where she argued for the presence of Catherine’s Italianate and Florentine upbringing as manifested in material sources. Over the past five years, she has worked at Element as an intern, and then content developer specializing in writing. In following C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton, who wrote that magic and wonder are found in the everyday, Bryn works to combine historical research with the creative skills of directing, acting, and set decoration. Her set decoration work can be seen in Canticle Productions' upcoming films 'Hazel' and 'Medora: Empress of the Badlands.' Bryn’s “element” usually involves some degree of horseback riding, exploring literature, appreciating art, or learning about production design. She believes in the importance of seeing and loving people to the fullest, making genuine connections, and sharing divine mercy.


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