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Intern Spotlight — Aidan Sakash

A man in a blue button-up.
Marc Healy, executive director of retail and marketing
2 min read
Aiden Sakash
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Who are you interning under, what do they have you do, and out of all your responsibilities which is your favorite/most interesting?

I am interning under Christopher Bailey, and I have been working on digital content for display inside the office, as well as creating templates in Navori and learning how to push content to screens with it. I’ve been enjoying working in after effects creating the digital content.

Where do/did you go to school and what subject do/did you major in?

I am attending New England College as a senior next year, and am studying illustration.

How did you first become interested in your field of study?

When I was reading comics as a kid, I loved looking at their designs, and started copying them. From then I started to make my own comics, and from then I’ve moved more into character illustration and concept art.

Have you interned here before, if not, have you interned elsewhere?

I am a first-time intern here, and have not had an internship elsewhere.

Do you have any pets?

Not at the moment.

If you could go to dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Why?

My late uncle. I was too young to get to have a proper talk with him.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go, why, and who would you take with you?

Japan, for skiing and authentic ramen. Would like to get some original prints manga as well. I would bring my friends, who would go for similar reasons.

What is your favorite app and why?

Apple music I guess haha. I don’t do too much on my phone versus desktop, but the music selection and audio quality is nice.

What is on your bucket list?

Backflipping on skis.

Fall, winter, spring, or summer? Why?

Fall. The best temperatures and the least bugs.


THANKS FOR THE INTERVIEW and your hard work, aidan!


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A man in a blue button-up.
Marc Healy
executive director of retail and marketing

Often greeted by the team as “Mr. HEALY!,” with all suitable pomp, Marc is known to be a positive force of nature in the office. After graduating from Western Washington University with a degree in Business and a concentration in Finance, Marc proceeded to leap right into leadership positions. His career now spans over 35 years, with experience in marketing, sales, and finance.


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